Available fields from CycleStreets include:

  id = 1,
  segments = TRUE,
  route_variables = c("start", "finish", "start_longitude", "start_latitude",
    "finish_longitude", "finish_latitude", "crow_fly_distance", "event", "whence",
    "speed", "itinerary", "plan", "note", "length", "west", "south", "east", "north",
    "leaving", "arriving", "grammesCO2saved", "calories", "edition"),
  cols_to_keep = c("id", "time", "busynance", "quietness", "signalledJunctions",
    "signalledCrossings", "name", "walk", "elevations", "distances", "type", "legNumber",
    "distance", "turn", "startBearing", "color", "provisionName", "start", "finish",
    "start_longitude", "start_latitude", "finish_longitude", "finish_latitude",
    "crow_fly_distance", "event", "whence", "speed", "itinerary", "plan", "note",
    "length", "west", "south", "east", "north", "leaving", "arriving", "grammesCO2saved",
    "calories", "edition", "gradient_segment", 



Raw result from CycleStreets.net read-in with readLines or similar


id of the result


Return segment level data? TRUE by default.


Route level variables


Columns to return in output sf object


c("id", "time", "busynance", "quietness", "signalledJunctions",
  "signalledCrossings", "name", "walk", "elevations", "distances",
  "type", "legNumber", "distance", "turn", "startBearing", "color",
  "provisionName", "start", "finish", "start_longitude", "start_latitude",
  "finish_longitude", "finish_latitude", "crow_fly_distance", "event",
  "whence", "speed", "itinerary", "plan", "note", "length", "west",
  "south", "east", "north", "leaving", "arriving", "grammesCO2saved",
  "calories", "edition", "gradient_segment", "elevation_change",
  "gradient_smooth", "geometry")


from = "Leeds Rail Station"
to = "University of Leeds"
# from_point = tmaptools::geocode_OSM(from)
# to_point = tmaptools::geocode_OSM(to)
from_point = c(-1.54408, 53.79360)
to_point =   c(-1.54802, 53.79618)
# save result from the API call to journey.json
# res_json = journey(from_point, to_point, silent = FALSE, save_raw = TRUE)
# jsonlite::write_json(res_json, "inst/extdata/journey.json")
# f = "inst/extdata/journey.json"
f = system.file(package = "cyclestreets", "extdata/journey.json")
rsf = json2sf_cs(readLines(f), id = 1, segments = TRUE)
#>  [1] "id"                 "time"               "busynance"         
#>  [4] "quietness"          "signalledJunctions" "signalledCrossings"
#>  [7] "name"               "walk"               "elevations"        
#> [10] "distances"          "type"               "legNumber"         
#> [13] "distance"           "turn"               "startBearing"      
#> [16] "color"              "provisionName"      "start"             
#> [19] "finish"             "start_longitude"    "start_latitude"    
#> [22] "finish_longitude"   "finish_latitude"    "crow_fly_distance" 
#> [25] "event"              "whence"             "speed"             
#> [28] "itinerary"          "plan"               "note"              
#> [31] "length"             "west"               "south"             
#> [34] "east"               "north"              "leaving"           
#> [37] "arriving"           "grammesCO2saved"    "calories"          
#> [40] "edition"            "gradient_segment"   "elevation_change"  
#> [43] "gradient_smooth"    "geometry"          
json2sf_cs(readLines(f), id = 1, segments = TRUE, cols_to_keep = "quietness")
#> Simple feature collection with 14 features and 1 field
#> Geometry type: LINESTRING
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -1.5482 ymin: 53.79314 xmax: -1.54408 ymax: 53.7966
#> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
#> First 10 features:
#>    quietness                       geometry
#> 1         50 LINESTRING (-1.54408 53.793...
#> 2         50 LINESTRING (-1.54526 53.793...
#> 3         75 LINESTRING (-1.54687 53.793...
#> 4         75 LINESTRING (-1.54682 53.793...
#> 5         50 LINESTRING (-1.5465 53.7950...
#> 6         60 LINESTRING (-1.54649 53.795...
#> 7         70 LINESTRING (-1.54713 53.796...
#> 8         90 LINESTRING (-1.54702 53.796...
#> 9         85 LINESTRING (-1.54723 53.796...
#> 10        85 LINESTRING (-1.54731 53.796...
# save result from the API call to journey.json
# res_json = journey(from_point, to_point, silent = FALSE, save_raw = TRUE)
# jsonlite::write_json(res_json, "inst/extdata/journey_short.json")
# f = "inst/extdata/journey_short.json"
f = system.file(package = "cyclestreets", "extdata/journey_short.json")
obj = jsonlite::read_json(f, simplifyVector = TRUE)
# Inclusion of "start_longitude" leads to the additional ProvisionName1 colum:
cols = c("name", "distances", "provisionName")
json2sf_cs(readLines(f), id = 1, segments = TRUE, cols_to_keep = cols)
#> Simple feature collection with 1 feature and 3 fields
#> Geometry type: LINESTRING
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -8.80639 ymin: 52.50692 xmax: -8.80403 ymax: 52.51329
#> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
#>            name distances     provisionName                       geometry
#> 1 Un-named link       769 Unclassified road LINESTRING (-8.80639 52.506...